Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for August, 2008

Two Simple Ways to Read Restricted Website Content

Have you ever had a problem that you used a search engine to try to find the solution?  Did that search bring you results from a site that then forced you to register in order to see the content?  This happened to me all of the time before I found two simple ways to display […]

An Evaluation of Rapid7 NeXpose

I’ve been focusing a lot of my time lately on our PCI initiatives.  One sub-topic that I’ve spent a particularly large amount of time on has been Requirement 11.2 which says that you need to have internal and external network vulnerability scans performed by a scan vendor qualified by PCI.  We already employ one such […]

Cloud Headaches?

The industry is abuzz with people who are freaked out about the outages that Amazon and other cloud vendors have had.  “Amazon S3 Crash Raises Doubts Among Cloud Customers,” says InformationWeek! This is because people are going into cloud computing with retardedly high expectations.  This year at Velocity, Interop, etc. I’ve seen people just totally […]