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Entries for the ‘Monitoring’ Category

My First Experiences with a Palo Alto Firewall

I’ve been following Palo Alto as a networking company for a couple of years now.  Their claim is that the days of the port-based firewall are dead and that their application-centric approach is a far better way to enforce your access controls.  Take the HTTP protocol for example.  HTTP typically runs as a service on […]

Analyzing NetFlow for Data Loss Detection

The 2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) is out and it paints quite the gloomy picture of the world we live in today where cyber security is concerned.  With over 63,000 security incidents and 1,367 confirmed data breaches, the question is no longer if you get popped, but rather, when.  According to the report, […]

Enterprise Systems vs. Agility

I was recently reading a good Cameron Purdy post where he talks about his eight theses regarding why startups or students can pull stuff off that large enterprise IT shops can’t. My summary/trenchant restatement of his points: Changing existing systems is harder than making a custom-built new one (version 2 is harder) IT veterans overcomplicate […]

A DoS We Can Believe In

We knew that the historic inauguration of Barack Obama would be generating a lot more Internet traffic than usual, both in general and specifically here at NI.  Being prudent Web Admin types, we checked around to make sure we thought that there wouldn’t be any untoward effects on our Web site.  Like many corporate sites, […]