Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for April, 2010

Our First DevOps Implementation

Although we’re currently engaged in a more radical agile infrastructure implementation, I thought I’d share our previous evolutionary DevOps implementation here (way before the term was coined, but in retrospect I think it hits a lot of the same notes) and what we learned along the way. Here at NI we did what I’ll call […]

dev2ops Interview

Want to hear me spout off more about DevOps?  Well, here’s your chance; I did an interview with Damon Edwards of DTO and they’ve posted it on the dev2ops blog! Killer quote: “I say this as somebody who about 15 years ago chose system administration over development.  But system administration and system administrators have allowed […]

Amazon Web Services – Convert To/From VMs?

In the recent Amazon AWS Newsletter, they asked the following: Some customers have asked us about ways to easily convert virtual machines from VMware vSphere, Citrix Xen Server, and Microsoft Hyper-V to Amazon EC2 instances – and vice versa. If this is something that you’re interested in, we would like to hear from you. Please […]

Come to CloudCamp Austin 2!

The second CloudCamp in Austin is happening June 10.  It’s an unconference about, of course, cloud computing.  Read about it and sign up here! I missed the first one but loved OpsCamp so I’m going!