Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for October, 2008

Using Proxies to Secure Applications and More

I’ve been really surprised that for as long as I’ve been active with OWASP, I’ve never seen a proxy presentation.  After all, they are hugely beneficial in doing web application penetration testing and they’re really not that difficult to use.  Take TamperData for example.  It’s just a firefox plugin, but it does header, cookie, get, […]

Vignette Village 2008

Vignette, the Austin-based Web content management company,  has an annual show called Vignette Village.  A whole crew went from our company; Mark and I represented the Web Admins. I got a lot out of Village though I wasn’t expecting to.  There was excitement in the air and clear commitment to continued development of their core […]

Our Search Implementation In The News!

InformationWeek did a big story on enterprise search, and used NI as their lead example!  Note all the system info in the article that I fed them. And we’re getting a lot of fun out of Graff’s quote about how it’s easy to sign off on more resources forus, we’re including that in every purchase […]

No No, You Really DO Want To Use Live Search

It’s been in the news that Microsoft is pushing “rewards programs” for people to use Live Search and the Live Toolbar.  But did you know they’re trying to get your local IT department to do it for you? Yep, the program’s called the “Search@Work Rewards Program”.  If your IT department puts IE, with Live Search […]

Amazon Web Services S3, EC2 and other AWS services

First Speaker: VP of Amazon Web Services – Adam Selipsky Motivation for building AWS – Scaling Amazon.com through the 90’s was really rough.  10 years of growth caused a lot of headaches. What if you could outsource IT Infrastructure?  What would this look like? Needs: Storage Compute abilities Database Transactions Middleware Core Services: Reliability Scalability […]