Web Admin Blog

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Entries for the ‘Management’ Category

When an “Enterprise” Product Isn’t Enterprise Ready

I absolutely love my job and one of the coolest things about what I do is getting to do proof-of-concepts with bleeding edge technology.  I feel very privileged that many companies out there respect me enough to provide me with these opportunities and I feel that engaging on this level enables me to be a […]

Six Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

I am going to start out here by saying that I do not now, nor have I ever, held the title of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).  That having been said, I do effectively fill this role as the Information Security Program Owner for a large, $1B+ per year, public company.  Some of what follows […]

Our First DevOps Implementation

Although we’re currently engaged in a more radical agile infrastructure implementation, I thought I’d share our previous evolutionary DevOps implementation here (way before the term was coined, but in retrospect I think it hits a lot of the same notes) and what we learned along the way. Here at NI we did what I’ll call […]

Book Review: Smart & Gets Things Done, by Joel Spolsky

Joel Spolsky is a bit of an internet cause célèbre, the founder of Fog Creek Software and writer of joelonsoftware.com, an influential programming Web site. The book is about technical recruiting and retention, and even though it’s a small format under 200 page book, it covers a lot of different topics.  His focus is on […]