Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries Tagged ‘browser’

Dang, People Still Love Them Some IE6

We get a decent bit of Web traffic here on our site.  I was looking at the browser and platform breakdowns and was surprised to see IE6 still in the lead!  I’m not sure if these stats are representative of “the Internet in general” but I am willing to bet they are representative of enterprise-type […]

Browser Support – Just Do It

I am moved to post today by a gripe.  We have a lot of products and SaaS vendors that for some reason feel like they don’t need to support browsers other than whatever it is they have in their mind as the one browser they’re going to support.   I have Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8 […]

New 0Day Browser Exploit: Clickjacking – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This talk was rumored to have been cancelled at a vulnerable vendors (Adobe) request, but Jeremiah Grossman and Robert Hansen decided to do parts of the talk anyway.  Here’s my notes from the semi-restricted presentation. Jeremiah started off with a brief introduction on what clickjacking is.  In a nutshell, it’s when you visit a malicious […]

Two Simple Ways to Read Restricted Website Content

Have you ever had a problem that you used a search engine to try to find the solution?  Did that search bring you results from a site that then forced you to register in order to see the content?  This happened to me all of the time before I found two simple ways to display […]