Web Admin Blog

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Entries Tagged ‘internet’

Rise of the Personal Firewall

The other day I read that Comcast is launching a new plan to turn home internet users into unwilling participants in their new global wifi strategy.  I’m sure that they will soon be touting how insanely awesome it will be to get “full strength” internet access virtually anywhere just by subscribing to this service.  Other […]

The 10 Least-Likely and Most Dangerous People on the Internet

This presentation was by Robert “RSnake” Hansen and was designed to be a fun conversation to have over drinks with security people.  I feel privileged to have been one of those security people who he talked about this with beforehand.  A very interesting topic about the non-obvious threats that may or may not exist.   […]

Deep Packet Inspection and the Loss of Privacy and Security on the Internet

For my first session of the day on Tuesday of the TRISC 2009 conference I attended a presentation by Andrew MacFarlane from Data Foundry, Inc. on “Deep Packet Inspection and the Loss of Privacy and Security on the Internet”.  While the concept of DPI is nothing new to me and I remember first hearing about […]

A DoS We Can Believe In

We knew that the historic inauguration of Barack Obama would be generating a lot more Internet traffic than usual, both in general and specifically here at NI.  Being prudent Web Admin types, we checked around to make sure we thought that there wouldn’t be any untoward effects on our Web site.  Like many corporate sites, […]

Why is anyone still using WEP?

Wireless internet access is everywhere these days.  Everyone from restaurants and bars to the average Joe Homeowner has some sort of wifi network set up.  The problem is that they set up these networks without giving security a second thought (or even a first thought in most cases).  I was at the TRISC conference last month and heard […]