Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for January, 2010

Come To OpsCamp!

Next weekend, Jan 30 2009, there’s a Web Ops get-together here in Austin called OpsCamp!  It’ll be a Web ops “unconference” with a cloud focus.  Right up our alley!  We hope to see you there.

Book Review: Smart & Gets Things Done, by Joel Spolsky

Joel Spolsky is a bit of an internet cause célèbre, the founder of Fog Creek Software and writer of joelonsoftware.com, an influential programming Web site. The book is about technical recruiting and retention, and even though it’s a small format under 200 page book, it covers a lot of different topics.  His focus is on […]

Stupid Unix Trick – Command Mashups

I’ve been a *nix Administrator in some form or fashion for about 10 years now.  I remember back when I was first learning commands and how the OS works and every once in a while I’d come across something stupidly simple yet extremely useful to put in my bag of tricks.  Yesterday I was reminded […]