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Entries for the ‘Phishing’ Category

Why You Shouldn’t Phish Your Users

As an Information Security Program Owner, I get a barrage of e-mails and phone calls multiple times a day from vendors looking to sell us their latest hotness security product.  Between the e-mails, phone calls, expo floor at BlackHat this year, and several talks that I’ve seen at past conferences, I have noticed a disturbing […]

Spear Phishing – Breaking Into Wall Street & Critical Infrastructure

For my first breakout session of the TRISC 2009 Conference, I decided to check out Rohyt Belani’s presentation on Spear Phishing.  Rohyt is the CEO of Intrepidus Group and has spoken at a variety of conferences from BlackHat to OWASP to MISTI to Hack in the Box.  I had heard from several other conference attendees […]