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Entries for the ‘Capture the Flag’ Category

Completing the LASCON 2018 Badge Game

The LASCON Badge Game was back in 2018 and the feedback I received was that it was the best one so far. It started out with the following QR code on the back of the badge: Following that QR code took you to the URL https://pastebin.com/J61kDSe2. Viewing that URL gives you the following: V2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgTEFTQ09OIDIwMTggYmFkZ2UgZ2FtZSF= V2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgTEFTQ09OIDIwMTggYmFkZ2UgZ2FtZSE= […]

Completing the LASCON 2017 Badge Game

For those who don’t know, every year I put together a game that starts on the back of the LASCON badge.  It’s typically some combination of crypto challenges alongside application security vulnerabilities with the goal of having it take somewhere around 1-3 hours, depending on experience, to complete.  Those who complete the game are rewarded […]

Completing the BSides Austin 2016 Mini-CTF

The BSides Austin 2016 Mini-CTF began with the back of the badge.  There was a large QR code which took a very long time for me to scan with my phone, and when I finally got it, it was just the numbers “07263584”.  Not very useful.  Below that, however, there was  a string of letters and […]

Lessons Learned from Participating in my First CTF

Yesterday I finished competing in my first ever Capture The Flag (CTF) tournament.  It was called Kommand and Kontroll Revenge of the Carders and was run by Rod Soto of Prolexic.  I’m going to caveat this post by saying that this was my first ever CTF competition so I have absolutely no baseline of comparison.  […]