Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for March, 2013

Lessons Learned from Participating in my First CTF

Yesterday I finished competing in my first ever Capture The Flag (CTF) tournament.  It was called Kommand and Kontroll Revenge of the Carders and was run by Rod Soto of Prolexic.  I’m going to caveat this post by saying that this was my first ever CTF competition so I have absolutely no baseline of comparison.  […]

Malware is Using TOR to Bypass Your Domain Blacklists

About a week ago I turned on a new rule on our IPS system that is designed to detect (and block) users who are using TOR to make their activities on our network anonymous.  You can say that TOR is about protecting a user’s privacy all you want, but I’d argue that while using corporate […]

Getting the Real Administrator Access to Time Warner RoadRunner’s Ubee Cable Modem

This post is going to be short and sweet as it’s something I meant to put up here when I found it sometime back in mid-2011.  I’m not even sure if Time Warner is still using these Ubee cable modems for their RoadRunner offering, but I’m sure that there are at least a few people […]