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Entries Tagged ‘google’

Microsoft Azure for Dummies – or for Smarties?

What is Microsoft Azure? Here’s a clear explanation of this new cloud computing product and how it compares to Amazon and Google.

Using Proxies to Secure Applications and More

I’ve been really surprised that for as long as I’ve been active with OWASP, I’ve never seen a proxy presentation.  After all, they are hugely beneficial in doing web application penetration testing and they’re really not that difficult to use.  Take TamperData for example.  It’s just a firefox plugin, but it does header, cookie, get, […]

OWASP Google Hacking Project – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation is by Christian Heinrich, the project leader for the OWASP “Google Hacking” project.  Presentation published on http://www.slideshare.net/cmlh  Dual licensed under OWASP License and AU Creative Commons 2.5. OWASP Testing Guide v3 – Spiders/Robots/Crawlers 1. Automatically traverses hyperlinks 2. Recursively retrieves content referenced Behavior governed by the robots exclusion protocol.  New method is <META […]

Two Simple Ways to Read Restricted Website Content

Have you ever had a problem that you used a search engine to try to find the solution?  Did that search bring you results from a site that then forced you to register in order to see the content?  This happened to me all of the time before I found two simple ways to display […]

Google Ratproxy

If you are responsible for developing or maintaining a website and haven’t checked out Ratproxy yet, you’re missing out. Before I start spouting off about just how cool and useful this tool is, I suppose I should first tell you what a proxy is. In a nutshell, a proxy is an application that runs local […]