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Entries for the ‘Application Performance Management’ Category

Upcoming Free Velocity WebOps Web Conference

O’Reilly’s Velocity conference is the only generalized Web ops and performance conference out there.  We really like it; you can go to various other conferences and have 10-20% of the content useful to you as a Web Admin, or you can go here and have most of it be relevant! They’ve been doing some interim […]

Velocity 2009 – Scalable Internet Architectures

OK, I’ll be honest.  I started out attending “Metrics that Matter – Approaches to Managing High Performance Web Sites” (presentation available!) by Ben Rushlo, Keynote proserv.  I bailed after a half hour to the other one, not because the info in that one was bad but because I knew what he was covering and wanted […]

The Velocity 2009 Conference Experience

Velocity 2009 is well underway and going great!  Here’s my blow by blow of how it went down. Peco, my erstwhile Bulgarian comrade, and I came in to San Jose  from Austin on Sunday.  We got situated at the fairly swank hotel, the Fairmont, and wandered out to find food.  There was some festival going […]

Velocity 2009 – The Web Performance and Operations Conference

You’re in luck!  Peco and I are attending Velocity 2009 and we’ll be taking notes and blogging about the conference.  You can see what to expect by going back and reading my coverage of Velocity 2008! As Web Admins, we love Velocity.  Usually, we have to bottom-feed at more generalized conferences looking for good relevant […]

A DoS We Can Believe In

We knew that the historic inauguration of Barack Obama would be generating a lot more Internet traffic than usual, both in general and specifically here at NI.  Being prudent Web Admin types, we checked around to make sure we thought that there wouldn’t be any untoward effects on our Web site.  Like many corporate sites, […]

Optimizing Web Performance with AOL Pagetest

Dave Artz has put together a simple Webcast tutorial on how to use webpagetest.org to measure and fix up your Web site.  If all this talk about Web performance is a bit overwhelming, it’s a great novice tutorial.  He walks through the entire process visually and explains each metric.  Great job Dave!

Velocity 2008 Conference Experience Wrapup

Well, I’m finally home with a spare minute to write. I and the two guys who went to the conference with me (Peco and Robert) got a lot out of it. I apologize for the brevity of style of the conference writeups, but they were notes taken on a precariously balanced laptop, under bad network […]

The Velocity 2008 Conference Experience – Part VII

We’ve reached the last couple sessions at Velocity 2008. Read me! Love me! We hear about Capacity Planning with John Allspaw of Flickr. He says: No benchmarks! Use real production data. (How? We had to develop a program called WebReplay to do this because no one had anything. We’re open sourcing it soon, stay tuned.) […]

The Velocity 2008 Conference Experience – Part VI

After a tasty pseudo-Asian hotel lunch (though about anything would be tasty by now!), we move into the final stretch of afternoon sessions for Velocity. Everyone seems in a good mood after the interesting demos in the morning and the general success of the conference. First, it’s the eagerly awaited Even Faster Web Sites. Steve […]

The Velocity 2008 Conference Experience – Part V

Welcome to the second (and final) day of the new Velocity Web performance and operations conference! I’m here to bring you the finest in big-hotel-ballroom-fueled info and drama from the day. In the meantime, Peco had met our old friend Alistair Croll, once of Coradiant and now freelance, blogging on “Bitcurrent.” Oh, and also at […]