Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries for March, 2010

Simplifying On-call Through Alert Aggregation

One of the coolest things about working on the Web Systems Team at National Instruments is that the company has invested in a wide variety of tools to assist us with our jobs. Since we are responsible for the availability of ni.com, we have the standard URL and content monitors (Sitescope and Nagios). We also […]

Amazon EC2 EBS Instances and Ephemeral Storage

Here’s a couple tidbits I’ve gleaned that are useful. When  you start an “instance-store” Amazon EC2 instance, you get a certain amount of ephemeral storage allocated and mounted automatically.  The amount of space varies by instance size and is defined here.  The storage location and format also varies by instance size and is defined here. […]

P.S. We’re Hiring

Web Operations Engineer If you’re from the Austin area you probably know National Instruments – our campus is up here at Mopac and Braker; we’ve been named one of Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies To Work For eleven years running. We’ve got an opening on a new team building cloud-based Web systems for new SaaS […]

Before DevOps, Don’t You Need OpsOps?

From the “sad but true” files comes an extremely insightful point apparently discussed over beer by the UK devops crew recently – that we are talking about dev and ops collaboration but the current state of collaboration among ops teams is pretty crappy. Internal Borders by Graham Bleach DevOps is a good cause, but what […]

Defining Agile Operations and DevOps

I recently read a great blog post by Scott Wilson that was talking about the definitions of Agile Operations, DevOps, and related terms.  (Read the comments too, there’s some good discussion.)  From what I’ve heard so far, there are a bunch of semi-related terms people are using around this whole “new thing of ours.” The […]

Upcoming Free Velocity WebOps Web Conference

O’Reilly’s Velocity conference is the only generalized Web ops and performance conference out there.  We really like it; you can go to various other conferences and have 10-20% of the content useful to you as a Web Admin, or you can go here and have most of it be relevant! They’ve been doing some interim […]

Microsoft Azure for Dummies – or for Smarties?

What is Microsoft Azure? Here’s a clear explanation of this new cloud computing product and how it compares to Amazon and Google.