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Entries for the ‘OWASP AppSec DC 2009’ Category

Techniques in Attacking and Defending XML/Web Services

This presentation was by Jason Macy and Mamoon Yunus of Crosscheck Networks – Forum Systems.  It wins the award (the one I just made up) for being the most vendor-oriented presentation at the conference.  Not that it wasn’t an interesting presentation, but their solution to defend against most of the attacks was “Use an XML […]

The OWASP Security Spending Benchmarks Project

This presentation was by Boaz Belboard, the Executive Director of Information Security for Wireless Generation and the Project Leader for the OWASP Security Spending Benchmarks Project.  My notes are below: It does cost more to produce a secure product than an insecure product. Most people will still shop somewhere, go to a hospital, or enroll […]

Building an In-House Application Security Assessment Team

This presentation was by Keith Turpin from The Boeing Company.   About three years ago, all of Boeing’s assessments were coming from outsourced service providers.  They realized that they were unable to have control over the people and process and had difficulties integrating the controls into the SDLC and decided to bring these functions in house.  […]

The 10 Least-Likely and Most Dangerous People on the Internet

This presentation was by Robert “RSnake” Hansen and was designed to be a fun conversation to have over drinks with security people.  I feel privileged to have been one of those security people who he talked about this with beforehand.  A very interesting topic about the non-obvious threats that may or may not exist.   […]

OWASP Top 10 – 2010

This presentation was by Dave WIchers, COO of Aspect Security and an OWASP Board Member.  My notes are below: What’s Changed? It’s about Risks, not just vulnerabilities New title is: “The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks” OWASP Top 10 Risk Rating Methodology Based on the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology, used to prioritize […]

Application Security Metrics from the Organization on Down to the Vulnerabilities

This presentation was by Chris Wysopal, the CTO of Veracode.  My notes are below: “To measure is to know.” – James Clerk Maxwell “Measurement motivates.” – John Kenneth Galbraith Metrics do Matter Metrics quantify the otherwise unquantifiable Metrics can show trends and trends matter more than measurements do Metrics can show if we are doing […]

Securing the Core JEE Patterns

This presentation was by Rohit Sethi, the Project Leader for the Secure Pattern Analysis Project at OWASP and he works at Security Compass, a security analysis and training company.  My notes from the session are below: Before anyone starts building complex systems, they need to design. We create threat models on completed designs. What about […]

Threat Modeling

This presentation was by John Steven, the NoVA Chapter Lead and Senior Director of Advanced Technology Consulting at Cigital, Inc.   He notes that this is not that MS thing, it is not going to help you find XSS, and is not going to help you with Risk Management.  My notes are below: Don’t use threat […]

OWASP Live CD: An open environment for Web Application Security

General Goals Going Forward Showcase great OWASP projects Provide the best, freely distributable application security tools/documents Ensure that the tools provided are easy to use as possible Continue to document how to use the tools and how the modules were created Align the tools with the OWASP Testing Guide v3 to provide maximum coverage Awesome […]

The ESAPI Web Application Firewall

This presentation was by Arshan Dabirsiaghi and was about the OWASP ESAPI Web Application Firewall (WAF) project.  My notes are below: WAF Fallacies (at least in regards to OWASP ESAPI WAF) WAFs add attack surface WAFs can create culture problems WAFs can’t fix business logic vulnerabilities WAFs are way too expensive WAFs complicate networks Why […]