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Entries Tagged ‘best’

Securing the Core JEE Patterns

This presentation was by Rohit Sethi, the Project Leader for the Secure Pattern Analysis Project at OWASP and he works at Security Compass, a security analysis and training company.  My notes from the session are below: Before anyone starts building complex systems, they need to design. We create threat models on completed designs. What about […]

Virtualization Security Best Practices from a Customer’s and Vendor’s Perspective

The next session during the ISSA half-day seminar on Virtualization and Cloud Computing Security was on security best practices from a customer and vendor perspective.  It featured Brian Engle, CIO of Temple Inland, and Rob Randell, CISSP and Senior Security Specialist at VMware, Inc.  My notes from the presentation are below: Temple Inland Implementation – […]

Best Practices Guide: Web Application Firewalls – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation was by Alexander Meisel and is from a paper that was put together by the Germany OWASP chapter. He began by introducing the problem being online businesses having HTTP as their “weak spot”.  Then talked about the definition of the term “Web Application Firewall”.  It’s not a network firewall and not only hardware.  […]