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Entries Tagged ‘attack’

Techniques in Attacking and Defending XML/Web Services

This presentation was by Jason Macy and Mamoon Yunus of Crosscheck Networks – Forum Systems.  It wins the award (the one I just made up) for being the most vendor-oriented presentation at the conference.  Not that it wasn’t an interesting presentation, but their solution to defend against most of the attacks was “Use an XML […]

Application Security Metrics from the Organization on Down to the Vulnerabilities

This presentation was by Chris Wysopal, the CTO of Veracode.  My notes are below: “To measure is to know.” – James Clerk Maxwell “Measurement motivates.” – John Kenneth Galbraith Metrics do Matter Metrics quantify the otherwise unquantifiable Metrics can show trends and trends matter more than measurements do Metrics can show if we are doing […]

Anatomy of an Attack: From Incident to Expedient Resolution

For the first session of the morning on the last day of the TRISC 2009 Conference, I decided to attend the “Anatomy of an Attack: From Incident to Expedient Resolution” talk by Chris Smithee, a Systems Engineer at Lancope.  He talked about the different types of attacks that you see on your network and how […]

w3af: A framework to own the Web – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation on the w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framework) was by Andres Riancho (ariancho@cybsec.com) who is the project leader.  w3af is an Open Source project (GPLv2).  A script that evolved into a serious project.  A vulnerability scanner.  An exploitation tool.  Found that the commercial tools were too pricey so developed a tool to […]