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Entries Tagged ‘secure’

Demanding Secure Developers

Much like many other companies these days, National Instruments hires many of our developers straight out of school. Many times when engaging with these new hire developers, I will ask them what kind of security they learned at their university. In almost all cases I’ve found that the answer hasn’t changed since I graduated back […]

Physical Security FAIL :-(

Notice anything wrong with this picture? I was walking by one of the Iron Mountain Secure Shredding bins at work one day several months ago and noticed that the lock wasn’t actually locked. Being the security conscious individual that I am, I tried to latch the lock again, but the lock was so rusted that […]

Auditors Just Don’t Understand Security

Part of my new role as the Information Security Program Owner at NI is taking care of our regulatory compliance concerns which means I spend quite a bit of time dealing with auditors. Now auditors are nice people and I want to preface what I’ll say next by saying that I think auditors do perform […]

Securing the Core JEE Patterns

This presentation was by Rohit Sethi, the Project Leader for the Secure Pattern Analysis Project at OWASP and he works at Security Compass, a security analysis and training company.  My notes from the session are below: Before anyone starts building complex systems, they need to design. We create threat models on completed designs. What about […]

Using Proxies to Secure Applications and More

I’ve been really surprised that for as long as I’ve been active with OWASP, I’ve never seen a proxy presentation.  After all, they are hugely beneficial in doing web application penetration testing and they’re really not that difficult to use.  Take TamperData for example.  It’s just a firefox plugin, but it does header, cookie, get, […]

Coding Secure with PHP – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation was by Hans Zaunere, Managing Member, and it is entitled “PHundamental Security – Ecosystem Review, Coding Secure with PHP, and Best Practices”.  Take a look at http://www.nyphp.org/phundamentals/ for the ongoing guide and best practices.  Guru Stefan Esser recently presented an excellent talk at Zendcon. Security fundamentals are common across the board.  Different environments […]

Enterprise Security API – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation was by Jeff Williams, OWASP Chair, on the Enterprise Security API. Vulnerabilities and Security Controls Missing – 35% Broken – 30% Ignored – 20% Misused – 15% Goal is to enable developers.  Need to give them hands-on training, a secure coding guideline, and an Enterprise Security API. The problem with Security Libraries: overpowerful, […]

Consider Your Hotel Network Hostile

As I’m preparing to take my trip to New York for the OWASP AppSec Conference, I came across a timely article on the risks involved with using a hotel network.  The Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell University surveyed 147 hotels and then conducted on-site vulnerability testing at 50 of those hotels.  Approximately 20% of […]

Top 10 Strategies to Secure Your Code

Since Michael Howard moved from Redmond to Austin, I’ve had the privilege to see him present several times now. This is the guy who literally wrote the book on writing secure code and the secure development lifecycle. He is a fantastic speaker and I’d highly recommend checking him out if you every get the opportunity. […]