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Entries Tagged ‘velocityconf09’

Velocity 2009 – Best Tidbits

Besides all the sessions, which were pretty good, a lot of the good info you get from conferences is by networking with other folks there and talking to vendors.  Here are some of my top-value takeaways. Aptimize is a New Zealand-based company that has developed software to automatically do the most high value front end […]

Velocity 2009 – Monday Night

After a hearty trip to Gordon Biersch, Peco went to the Ignite battery of five minute presentations, which he said was very good.  I went to two Birds of a Feather sessions, which were not.  The first was a general cloud computing discussion which covered well-trod ground.  The second was by a hapless Sun guy […]

Velocity 2009 – Scalable Internet Architectures

OK, I’ll be honest.  I started out attending “Metrics that Matter – Approaches to Managing High Performance Web Sites” (presentation available!) by Ben Rushlo, Keynote proserv.  I bailed after a half hour to the other one, not because the info in that one was bad but because I knew what he was covering and wanted […]

Velocity 2009 – Hadoop Operations: Managing Big Data Clusters

Hadoop Operations: Managaing Big Data Clusters (see link on that page for preso) was given by Jeff Hammerbacher of Cloudera. Other good references – book: “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” preso: hadoop cluster management from USENIX 2009 Hadoop is an Apache project inspired by Google’s infrastructure; it’s software for programming warehouse-scale computers. It has recently been […]

Velocity 2009 – Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet

Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet by Luke Kanies, Reductive Labs You can get the work files from git://github.com/reductivelabs/velocity_puppet_workshop_2009.git, and the presentation’s available here. I saw Luke’s Puppet talk last year at Velocity 2008, but am more ready to start uptaking some conf management back home.  Our UNIX admins use cfengine, and puppet is supposed […]

Velocity 2009 – Death of a Web Server

The first workshop on Monday morning was called Death of a Web Server: A Crisis in Caching.  The presentation itself is downloadable from that link, so follow along!  I took a lot of notes though because much of this was coding and testing, not pure presentation.  (As with all these session writeups, the presenter or […]

The Velocity 2009 Conference Experience

Velocity 2009 is well underway and going great!  Here’s my blow by blow of how it went down. Peco, my erstwhile Bulgarian comrade, and I came in to San Jose  from Austin on Sunday.  We got situated at the fairly swank hotel, the Fairmont, and wandered out to find food.  There was some festival going […]

Velocity 2009 – The Web Performance and Operations Conference

You’re in luck!  Peco and I are attending Velocity 2009 and we’ll be taking notes and blogging about the conference.  You can see what to expect by going back and reading my coverage of Velocity 2008! As Web Admins, we love Velocity.  Usually, we have to bottom-feed at more generalized conferences looking for good relevant […]