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Entries Tagged ‘puppet’

OpsCamp Debrief

I went to OpsCamp this last weekend here in Austin, a get-togther for Web operations folks specifically focusing on the cloud, and it was a great time!  Here’s my after action report. The event invite said it was in the Spider House, a cool local coffee bar/normal bar.  I hadn’t been there before, but other […]

Velocity 2009 – Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet

Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet by Luke Kanies, Reductive Labs You can get the work files from git://github.com/reductivelabs/velocity_puppet_workshop_2009.git, and the presentation’s available here. I saw Luke’s Puppet talk last year at Velocity 2008, but am more ready to start uptaking some conf management back home.  Our UNIX admins use cfengine, and puppet is supposed […]