Web Admin Blog

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Entries Tagged ‘Cloud Computing’

Amazon Web Services – Convert To/From VMs?

In the recent Amazon AWS Newsletter, they asked the following: Some customers have asked us about ways to easily convert virtual machines from VMware vSphere, Citrix Xen Server, and Microsoft Hyper-V to Amazon EC2 instances – and vice versa. If this is something that you’re interested in, we would like to hear from you. Please […]

Come to CloudCamp Austin 2!

The second CloudCamp in Austin is happening June 10.  It’s an unconference about, of course, cloud computing.  Read about it and sign up here! I missed the first one but loved OpsCamp so I’m going!

Microsoft Azure for Dummies – or for Smarties?

What is Microsoft Azure? Here’s a clear explanation of this new cloud computing product and how it compares to Amazon and Google.

OpsCamp Debrief

I went to OpsCamp this last weekend here in Austin, a get-togther for Web operations folks specifically focusing on the cloud, and it was a great time!  Here’s my after action report. The event invite said it was in the Spider House, a cool local coffee bar/normal bar.  I hadn’t been there before, but other […]

The Velocity 2008 Conference Experience – Part V

Welcome to the second (and final) day of the new Velocity Web performance and operations conference! I’m here to bring you the finest in big-hotel-ballroom-fueled info and drama from the day. In the meantime, Peco had met our old friend Alistair Croll, once of Coradiant and now freelance, blogging on “Bitcurrent.” Oh, and also at […]