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Entries Tagged ‘vulnerability’

Static Application Vulnerability Testing: Binary Scanning vs Source Code Scanning

I had a meeting yesterday with a vendor who sells a SaaS solution for binary application vulnerability testing. They tell a very interesting story of a world where dynamic testing (“black box”) takes place alongside static testing (“white box”) to give you a full picture of your application security posture. They even combine the results […]

A XSS Vulnerability in Almost Every PHP Form I’ve Ever Written

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few months writing an enterprise application in PHP.  Despite what some people may say, I believe that PHP is as secure or insecure as the developer who is writing the code.  Anyway, I’m at the point in my development lifecycle where I decided that it was […]

Application Security Metrics from the Organization on Down to the Vulnerabilities

This presentation was by Chris Wysopal, the CTO of Veracode.  My notes are below: “To measure is to know.” – James Clerk Maxwell “Measurement motivates.” – John Kenneth Galbraith Metrics do Matter Metrics quantify the otherwise unquantifiable Metrics can show trends and trends matter more than measurements do Metrics can show if we are doing […]

An Evaluation of Rapid7 NeXpose

I’ve been focusing a lot of my time lately on our PCI initiatives.  One sub-topic that I’ve spent a particularly large amount of time on has been Requirement 11.2 which says that you need to have internal and external network vulnerability scans performed by a scan vendor qualified by PCI.  We already employ one such […]

PCI Security Scanning Services

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of work looking at various vendors for the vulnerability scanning portion of PCI compliance (PCI Requirement 6.5). I’ve been talking to many different companies. Some sell tools and some sell services. We’re looking at vendors to either supplement or replace our current tool set. The only real specific requirement […]