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Entries Tagged ‘application’

Completing the LASCON 2018 Badge Game

The LASCON Badge Game was back in 2018 and the feedback I received was that it was the best one so far. It started out with the following QR code on the back of the badge: Following that QR code took you to the URL https://pastebin.com/J61kDSe2. Viewing that URL gives you the following: V2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgTEFTQ09OIDIwMTggYmFkZ2UgZ2FtZSF= V2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgTEFTQ09OIDIwMTggYmFkZ2UgZ2FtZSE= […]

Completing the LASCON 2017 Badge Game

For those who don’t know, every year I put together a game that starts on the back of the LASCON badge.  It’s typically some combination of crypto challenges alongside application security vulnerabilities with the goal of having it take somewhere around 1-3 hours, depending on experience, to complete.  Those who complete the game are rewarded […]

My First Experiences with a Palo Alto Firewall

I’ve been following Palo Alto as a networking company for a couple of years now.  Their claim is that the days of the port-based firewall are dead and that their application-centric approach is a far better way to enforce your access controls.  Take the HTTP protocol for example.  HTTP typically runs as a service on […]

Building an In-House Application Security Assessment Team

This presentation was by Keith Turpin from The Boeing Company.   About three years ago, all of Boeing’s assessments were coming from outsourced service providers.  They realized that they were unable to have control over the people and process and had difficulties integrating the controls into the SDLC and decided to bring these functions in house.  […]

OWASP Top 10 – 2010

This presentation was by Dave WIchers, COO of Aspect Security and an OWASP Board Member.  My notes are below: What’s Changed? It’s about Risks, not just vulnerabilities New title is: “The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks” OWASP Top 10 Risk Rating Methodology Based on the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology, used to prioritize […]

Application Security Metrics from the Organization on Down to the Vulnerabilities

This presentation was by Chris Wysopal, the CTO of Veracode.  My notes are below: “To measure is to know.” – James Clerk Maxwell “Measurement motivates.” – John Kenneth Galbraith Metrics do Matter Metrics quantify the otherwise unquantifiable Metrics can show trends and trends matter more than measurements do Metrics can show if we are doing […]

The ESAPI Web Application Firewall

This presentation was by Arshan Dabirsiaghi and was about the OWASP ESAPI Web Application Firewall (WAF) project.  My notes are below: WAF Fallacies (at least in regards to OWASP ESAPI WAF) WAFs add attack surface WAFs can create culture problems WAFs can’t fix business logic vulnerabilities WAFs are way too expensive WAFs complicate networks Why […]

Enterprise Application Security – GE’s Approach to Solving Root Cause

The first presentation of the day that I went to  was by GE’s Darren Challey and was about GE’s application security program and how he took a holistic approach to securing the enterprise.  My notes on this presentation are below: Why is AppSec so hard? AppSec changes rapidly (look at difference between 2004, 2007, and […]

Assessing Your Web App Manually Without Hacking It

After giving my presentation on “Using Proxies to Secure Applications and More” at the TRISC 2009 conference, I decided to attend the presentation by Robert “RSnake” Hansen and Rob MacDougal entitled “Assessing Your Web App Manually Without Hacking It”.  The gist of this presentation was that with a few simple tools (Web Developer Toolbar, NoScript, […]

Cryptography for Penetration Testers – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation was on “Cryptography for Penetration Testers” and was by Chris Eng, the Senior Director of Security Research at VeraCode. The Premise How much do you really have to know about cryptography in order to detect and exploit crypto weaknesses in web apps. Goals Learn basic techniques for identifying and analyzing cryptographic data Learn […]