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Entries Tagged ‘PCI’

PCI Compliance – Convert Drudgery Into a Powerful Security Framework

For my last session of the day at TRISC 2009, I decided to attend Joseph Krull’s presentation on PCI Compliance.  Joe works as a consultant for Accenture and has performed 60+ PCI engagements for various companies.  If your organization does any processing of credit card information, my notes from that session below should be useful: […]

Mastering PCI Section 6.6 – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This presentation is by Jacob West in the Security Research Group and Taylor McKinsley in Product Marketing from Fortify software.  I’d like to note that Fortify is a developer of a source code analysis tool and so this presentation may have a bias towards source code analysis tools. 56% of organizations fail PCI section 6.  […]

An Evaluation of Rapid7 NeXpose

I’ve been focusing a lot of my time lately on our PCI initiatives.  One sub-topic that I’ve spent a particularly large amount of time on has been Requirement 11.2 which says that you need to have internal and external network vulnerability scans performed by a scan vendor qualified by PCI.  We already employ one such […]

Log Management for Dummies (aka Splunk)

Logs are one thing that I think are severely underutilized by most systems administrators. Most of us have taken the first step by actually logging the data, but neglect organizing it into any sort of manageable form. You’ll probably argue that any hardcore *nix admin would be able to take the raw logs using grep, […]

PCI Security Scanning Services

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of work looking at various vendors for the vulnerability scanning portion of PCI compliance (PCI Requirement 6.5). I’ve been talking to many different companies. Some sell tools and some sell services. We’re looking at vendors to either supplement or replace our current tool set. The only real specific requirement […]