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Entries Tagged ‘cloud’

Amazon Web Services – Convert To/From VMs?

In the recent Amazon AWS Newsletter, they asked the following: Some customers have asked us about ways to easily convert virtual machines from VMware vSphere, Citrix Xen Server, and Microsoft Hyper-V to Amazon EC2 instances – and vice versa. If this is something that you’re interested in, we would like to hear from you. Please […]

Microsoft Azure for Dummies – or for Smarties?

What is Microsoft Azure? Here’s a clear explanation of this new cloud computing product and how it compares to Amazon and Google.

A Case For Images

After speaking with Luke Kanies at OpsCamp, and reading his good and oft-quoted article “Golden Image or Foil Ball?“, I was thinking pretty hard about the use of images in our new automated infrastructure.  He’s pretty against them.  After careful consideration, however, I think judicious use of images is the right thing to do. My […]

OpsCamp Debrief

I went to OpsCamp this last weekend here in Austin, a get-togther for Web operations folks specifically focusing on the cloud, and it was a great time!  Here’s my after action report. The event invite said it was in the Spider House, a cool local coffee bar/normal bar.  I hadn’t been there before, but other […]

Come To OpsCamp!

Next weekend, Jan 30 2009, there’s a Web Ops get-together here in Austin called OpsCamp!  It’ll be a Web ops “unconference” with a cloud focus.  Right up our alley!  We hope to see you there.

Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Security in 30 Minutes or Less

The last presentation of the day was by Rich Mogull on “Everything you need to know about cloud security in 30 minutes or less”.  It all started with all of the presentations and diagrams having pictures of clouds so some guy decides to sell that.  Makes security practitioners sad. Why the cloud is a problem […]

Cloud Computing Panel Discussion

Next up at the Cloud Computing and Virtualization Security half-day seminar was a Cloud Computing Panel moderated by Rich Mogull (Analyst/CEO at Securosis) with Josh Zachary (Rackspace), Jim Rymarczk (IBM), and Phil Agcaoili (Dell) participating in the panel.  My notes from the panel discussion are below: Phil: Little difference between outsources of the past and […]

About the Cloud Security Alliance

The next presentation at the ISSA half-day seminar was on the “Cloud Security Alliance” and Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing by Jeff Reich.  Here are my notes from this presentation: Agenda About the Cloud Security Alliance Getting Involved Guidance 1.0 Call to Action About the Cloud Security Alliance Not-for-profit organization […]

Introduction to Cloud Computing and Virtualizaton Security

Today the Austin ISSA and ISACA chapters held a half-day seminar on Cloud Computing and Virtualization Security.  The introduction on cloud computing was given by Vern Williams.  My notes on this topic are below: 5 Key Cloud Characteristics On-demand self-service Ubiquitous network access Location independent resource pooling Rapid elasticity Pay per use 3 Cloud Delivery […]

Cloud Headaches?

The industry is abuzz with people who are freaked out about the outages that Amazon and other cloud vendors have had.  “Amazon S3 Crash Raises Doubts Among Cloud Customers,” says InformationWeek! This is because people are going into cloud computing with retardedly high expectations.  This year at Velocity, Interop, etc. I’ve seen people just totally […]