Web Admin Blog

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Entries Tagged ‘vpn’

My First Experiences with a Palo Alto Firewall

I’ve been following Palo Alto as a networking company for a couple of years now.  Their claim is that the days of the port-based firewall are dead and that their application-centric approach is a far better way to enforce your access controls.  Take the HTTP protocol for example.  HTTP typically runs as a service on […]

Who Needs VPN When You Have PuTTY?

I was talking with my coworkers this afternoon about Time Warner’s plans to jack up rates for high-bandwith users and it got me thinking about how much of their precious bandwith I am actually using.  I know that my router at home has a web browser interface where I can get that information, but I […]

Consider Your Hotel Network Hostile

As I’m preparing to take my trip to New York for the OWASP AppSec Conference, I came across a timely article on the risks involved with using a hotel network.  The Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell University surveyed 147 hotels and then conducted on-site vulnerability testing at 50 of those hotels.  Approximately 20% of […]