Web Admin Blog

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Entries for the ‘Featured’ Category

Beware The Wolf In Supplier’s Clothing

As you all know, the economic climate of 2009 is a cold, cold winter indeed.  And like wolves starved by the cold and hardship of the season, our suppliers have turned feral. When everyone’s sales slip due to the down economy, companies (and individual sales reps) are desperate to make their numbers.  How are they […]

New 0Day Browser Exploit: Clickjacking – OWASP AppSec NYC 2008

This talk was rumored to have been cancelled at a vulnerable vendors (Adobe) request, but Jeremiah Grossman and Robert Hansen decided to do parts of the talk anyway.  Here’s my notes from the semi-restricted presentation. Jeremiah started off with a brief introduction on what clickjacking is.  In a nutshell, it’s when you visit a malicious […]

SaaS Headaches

There’s a lot of promise in the new SaaS (software as a service; what used to be called ASPs, or Application Service providers, till Microsoft crapped all over that acronym) and newer PaaS (platform as a service) spaces (and look for a steady stream of new “aaS”es to come).  However, there are a lot of […]