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Entries Tagged ‘data’

Analyzing NetFlow for Data Loss Detection

The 2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) is out and it paints quite the gloomy picture of the world we live in today where cyber security is concerned.  With over 63,000 security incidents and 1,367 confirmed data breaches, the question is no longer if you get popped, but rather, when.  According to the report, […]

Visual Correlelation of Security Events

I recently had the opportunity to play with a data analytics platform called LYNXeon by a local company (Austin, TX) called 21CT. The LYNXeon tool is billed as a “Big Data Analytics” tool that can assist you in finding answers among the flood of data that comes from your network and security devices and it […]

Physical Security FAIL :-(

Notice anything wrong with this picture? I was walking by one of the Iron Mountain Secure Shredding bins at work one day several months ago and noticed that the lock wasn’t actually locked. Being the security conscious individual that I am, I tried to latch the lock again, but the lock was so rusted that […]

Velocity 2009 – Hadoop Operations: Managing Big Data Clusters

Hadoop Operations: Managaing Big Data Clusters (see link on that page for preso) was given by Jeff Hammerbacher of Cloudera. Other good references – book: “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” preso: hadoop cluster management from USENIX 2009 Hadoop is an Apache project inspired by Google’s infrastructure; it’s software for programming warehouse-scale computers. It has recently been […]

Anatomy of an Attack: From Incident to Expedient Resolution

For the first session of the morning on the last day of the TRISC 2009 Conference, I decided to attend the “Anatomy of an Attack: From Incident to Expedient Resolution” talk by Chris Smithee, a Systems Engineer at Lancope.  He talked about the different types of attacks that you see on your network and how […]

Consider Your Hotel Network Hostile

As I’m preparing to take my trip to New York for the OWASP AppSec Conference, I came across a timely article on the risks involved with using a hotel network.  The Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell University surveyed 147 hotels and then conducted on-site vulnerability testing at 50 of those hotels.  Approximately 20% of […]