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Entries for the ‘Networking’ Category

Consider Your Hotel Network Hostile

As I’m preparing to take my trip to New York for the OWASP AppSec Conference, I came across a timely article on the risks involved with using a hotel network.  The Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell University surveyed 147 hotels and then conducted on-site vulnerability testing at 50 of those hotels.  Approximately 20% of […]

Next Generation Firewalls

I went to a Lunch n Learn last week sponsored by PaloAlto Networks and Fishnet Security talking about what PaloAlto calls the “next generation firewalls”. PaloAlto boasts having Nir Zuk, principal engineer at Check Point and one of the developers of stateful inspection technology, as it’s founder and CTO. Their product, the PA-4000, Series Firewall, […]